
Our first charity has been chosen!


Hello everyone.


I hope you’re ok and first up I just wanted to say thank you for your support of The Sheffield 1000.


We set this charity up to try and help people in our city and we’ve had a great response over the first few weeks and we are now at the exciting stage of starting to give money away!


Thank you for your nominations and the first charity we gave £1000 to were Baby Basics.


Steve and I went to go and see Cat and the team this week and have a look around their charity which is a volunteer-led project aiming to support new mothers and families who are struggling to meet the financial and practical burden of looking after a new baby. 


They do an amazing job and the need is huge. Our £1000 is going towards buying some baby beds for the 50 or so families they currently have on their waiting list.


We’ll be giving out another £1000 next Friday so… tell your friends. We want to be at the stage of being able to do it every single week as soon as possible as there is so much need around at the moment. As soon as you sign up (LINK) you can start nominating good causes and charities in our city.


Thanks for your support.


A little update for you


Hello there


How are you all? Life has been really busy but it’s been great to see the charity growing and more people coming on board at a time when so many are in need. 


Thank you so much for your continued support. We are in a position now where we can give away some much needed money in the build up to Christmas so please get on the website  and nominate those charities and good causes you’d like to us to support.


The other thing we’d love you to do is tell your friends and encourage them to get involved. You can even send them the sign up link


We would love to get to 1000 members as soon as possible so we can give out £1000 pounds every week of the year.


Thanks again for the support and we’ll be sending regular updates to keep you posted as things develop. You’re all lovely.




Dan Walker

Founder and Patron, The Sheffield 1000


Happy new year!


Happy New Year everyone!

I hope you’re all okay and you were able to have a at least a little rest over Christmas.

Thank you once again for your support for The  Sheffield 1000. Because of your generosity, we were able to support 2 food banks over the festive period - you may have seen the pictures on social media. 

Both the New Hope food bank and the S6 food bank were able to spend £1000 on supplies for the people they look after.

As a charity, it has been amazing to support so many good causes already and we want to keep going and growing in 2023.

Please encourage your friends, colleagues and family to join up and don’t forget to nominate the charities and good causes that you come into contact with or would like to help. 

Hopefully see you soon.


Let’s get nominating!


Hello lovely members of The Sheffield 1000

We hope you are all doing ok. I am writing this on the train back to the place which is apparently “the second best city break in Europe” according to Time Out Magazine! 

Come on Sheffield.

Thanks again for your continued support and to everyone who has told their friends, family and colleagues about our charity.

We’d love to get to 1000 people as soon as possible and have big plans for 2023 and beyond.

It would be great to get your nominations for the next £1000 to give away so please go to the website  to do that and we can support another good cause as soon as possible.

Thanks again and hopefully see you soon 



The Sheffield 1000 out and about!


Hi everyone


Over the last two weekends The Sheffield 1000 team and have been lucky enough to be invited to two brilliant football matches.


On Saturday 4th March we were invited to the watch Hallam FC. It was fantastic. The team won - that’s 7 in a row now - and we got to go on the pitch before the game and talk about the charity.


 It was a wonderful day and we met so many lovely people and to top it off we got a few new donations for our charity too!


 Last Saturday we were guests of Sheffield United at their game against Luton Town.


Let’s not mention the result… it wasn’t a good one… but Dan got to speak in a number of hospitality boxes and on the pitch at halftime all to help raise awareness of what The Sheffield 1000 is all about.


The club were so helpful and Paul Gosney from City Taxis was handing out flyers and cards like a champion. We picked up a number of new members and got to have many great conversations about what we are trying to do in this lovely city of ours.


It has been so encouraging to see Sheffielders get behind the charity and we also need to thank you for all your recent nominations.


Dan’s bike accident and the snow have held up the giving out of some money but over the next few weeks we will be handing out plenty of money to some of the charities and good causes you’ve highlighted. Keep an eye on your emails for updates.


Thanks again for your ongoing support - it really makes a difference.


Have a great week.

Team Sheffield 1000


This weeks charity: Mums in Need


Hello to all our lovely supporters


After attending the two football matches over the last couple of weeks with the team to raise more awareness of The Sheffield 1000, we are delighted to say we were back out with the big cheque today handing out another £1000.


This week we were able to support the nominated charity Mums in Need.

Mums in Need is a brilliant organisation founded by Laura Riley in 2013 to help improve support for mums who have experienced coercive control and post separation abuse.


We were thrilled to hear this £1000 donation will pay for 1 to 1 counselling for two mums for 6 months.


It is all thanks to you, our fantastic supporters that we are able to help such worthy local charities.


We will be handing out another £1000 next week so keep an eye out on our social media platforms and on your emails to see who your kind donations help next.


Thank you again for your continued support and have a great week.

Dan and The Sheffield 1000 Team


This weeks Charity: ADIRA


We are delighted to let all our supporters know we were able to give £1000 to another great charity this week.


We had the pleasure of meeting Ursula who founded the ADIRA charity in 2012, along with two of the charities Board members Tracy and Karen.


ADIRA are based on the Wicker in Sheffield and provide black people of all ages, who have experienced mental health problems, with a safe, friendly and culturally sensitive meeting space. It is here where anyone needing support is offered information and advice along with social and leisure activities.


On the 6th December 2022 they launched a Self-care hub where anyone referred to ADIRA will be provided with free and low-cost cleaning essentials, skin and hair care products for men and women with a focus on culturally appropriate skin and hair care products for people of Africa-Caribbean heritage.


It is fantastic to know some of the £1000 will go towards vital items needed to keep the self-care hub running.


It was a privilege to meet the ADIRA team and get a real sense of how everyone works together to support the community. For anyone interested or knows someone who might be – they are running a mental health meeting at St Marys Church on Bramall Lane on 15th April 2023.


Thank you again for all your support - keep your eyes peeled for where your kind donations will go next week.


Best wishes for a great week!

Dan & The Sheffield 1000 Team


This weeks charity: Share Psychotherapy


This week the team were able to give £1000 to another incredible Charity – Share Psychotherapy.

Share Psychotherapy was founded over 50 years ago, initially to help and council young people with drug addiction. As the charity has grown over the years, they are able to support a much wider range of issues including bereavement, depression, sexual and/or physical abuse.

It was fantastic to be able to visit Share and so many of the team (L-R in the photo Vanessa Boddye -Trustee & volunteer therapist / Jon- clinical Lead / Lynn Keirs - Co-chair of the board & Trustee / Laura - administrative team / Cat – Operations Manager) at their base on Wilkinson Street in Sheffield. They have over 40 therapists working as volunteers or trainees and are able to provide over 100 therapy appointments every week.

It was so humbling to hear that the £1000 is going to go directly to help the lowest income clients receive therapy sessions for free for as long as possible.

Thank you to all our incredible supporters for making this possible.

We are back out again next week and we will keep you updated on where the next £1000 is going.

Best wishes

Dan & The Sheffield 1000 Team


This weeks charity: SYEDA


Hi to all our fantastic supporters,

As April has arrived with a hint of sunshine I am delighted to be able to let you know that this week one of our volunteers, Lucy, made it out to hand over the £1000 to the incredible South Yorkshire Easting Disorder Association (SYEDA) and spent time with the charities CEO, Chris Hood, to get to know a little more about how the charity works.

SYEDA was founded in 1996 and provides treatment across South Yorkshire for people living with an eating disorder. Treatment may include one to one therapy, support groups and occupational therapy. Alongside this SYEDA also offer support and provides information to friends and families.

The charity also deliver education and training sessions in schools, colleges, to professionals and the wider community. 

Lucy said “It was an absolute privilege to be able to represent The Sheffield 1000 and hand over the £1000. Hearing  first hand that the money will go directly into delivering therapy and provide support that is so crucial to people with Eating Disorders is fantastic”.

Thank you again for helping us give away another £1000 this week. Please do keep telling your friends and family about how to get involved – the more support we have the more charities we can help.

Best wishes

Dan and The Sheffield 1000 Team


This weeks charity: Judes Charity



This week the £1000 donations have gone to support a young Sheffield boy called Jude who was heartbreakingly diagnosed with an aggressive cancer just before he turned 3 years old. Our Charity Trustee Steve Manley met with Jude’s Uncle to hand over the £1000.

We wanted you, our incredible donators, to hear first hand from Jude’s Mum Lucy, about how Jude is and how your incredible donations will help:

“Jude was diagnosed with High Risk Neuroblastoma, an aggressive cancer, the day before his third birthday. Our lives were turned upside down and inside out. As a family with the help of our extended family, friends and complete strangers from Sheffield and across the world we have been tirelessly fundraising for over a year. We were originally fundraising for Jude to access a vaccine in New York which aimed to stop the cancer returning and had a set target to aim to and we reached it. As things changed and we found out the devastating news that Jude had relapsed in November, just days before we had planned to travel to New York. The extent of the disease was vast and we were told he could be treated to allow him time but not for a cure. Our options started to close down. Jude has responded so well to chemotherapy and radiotherapy but the NHS can’t offer anything else and so ultimately he is still “palliative”. However, his response has meant that there are options abroad. Where we had the set amount to aim for before, at the moment we have no set figure to aim for because there are so many variables and extras that may need to be factored in. We also don’t have time on our side as, if approved, Jude would need to travel pretty quickly as we couldn’t risk the cancer changing again. Every donation counts, every penny helps. A donation like the one from Sheffield 1000 helps us to be able to have a breather knowing that some money has gone into the pot that day. It is a glimmer of hope that Jude’s life might change from the 21 months of continuous cancer treatment, pain and hospitals that he has endured and we may be able to give him a life of a normal 4 year old. Any money that isn’t used by Jude to access treatment will be used by Solving Kids’ Cancer to help fund research into Neuroblastoma. We are extremely thankful for the donation.”

I think reading how much this money is needed to support Jude in his fight against this dreadful disease really hits home about how important your donations are and the support and impact the weekly £1000 donations can make.

Thank you all, and please continue to spread the word about The Sheffield 1000 so we can help as many smaller Charities as we can.

Best wishes for a great week
Dan and The Sheffield 1000 Team


Thank you


Hi Guys

We hope you are all ok and thanks so much for your continued support and so many wonderful nominations.

It’s wonderful to see how committed you all are in supporting good causes in Sheffield.

It has taken us a bit longer than planned to sort through them all, but our independent panel have made their choices and we have plenty of charities lined up to start in the next few days. We can’t wait to tell you all about them.

Thanks again

Dan and The Sheffield 1000 Team


Our latest charity visit


Hello guys 

Great news… we have started giving away our latest set of £1000

Thank you so much for your continued generosity and support. Our independent charity panel have selected from your nominations and today - one of our trustees - Arnie Singh visited Darnall Dementia Group. They do some amazing work and the £1000 will go a long way.

Feel free to tell your friends, family & colleagues and encourage them to join up and we will hopefully have more news of the next donation next week.


Charity givaway: Bluebell Wood


Hello all. Hope you’re doing ok.

Yesterday I had the honour of presenting the £1000 cheque to Ruth Wallbank of Bluebell Wood Childrens Hospice on behalf the Members of the Sheffield 1000-1 Charity. Visiting Bluebell Wood always fills you with so many different emotions. You walk through the door expecting a sombre and sad atmosphere, but the whole ambiance could not be more different. The team are so positive, friendly and upbeat which almost seems hard to imagine. As a parent myself, its heartbreaking and humbling, but this really is an amazing place.

The £1000 you the members have contributed makes a huge difference and the money will go towards supporting children and their families in incredibly difficult times.

Thank you to the several members that nominated Bluebell Wood and thanks again to all involved in this wonderful Charity. If you are not aware of the Charity and would like to find out a little more, please don’t hesitate to visit our website

Thank you! Steve Manley – Trustee


this weeks charity: sheffield young carers


Hello lovely supporters 

We have given out our latest £1000 to the team at Sheffield Young Carers. 

They help carers aged between 8-25 with 1-1 work, trips, holidays, education, employment & training. They do an amazing job and it’s a real pleasure to support them so thank you to everyone of you who nominated them. 

Please continue to tell your friends, family and colleagues about some of the incredible people we are supporting and thanks again for being brilliant. Your £1 is going a long way.

Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts!

Dan and The SHEFFIELD 1000 team



Our latest charity visits...


Hello there,

Just wanted to update you on where your contributions have been going over the last few weeks.

Dan had the chance to speak to Liz and Emily from the Batten Disease Family Association (BDFA).

They support families affected by Batten Disease. Liz is the acting CEO and Emily's two children - Holly and Max - both have the terminal condition and she spoke about some of the struggles they go through. Their £1000 is going to go towards supporting other families with essential care.

Steve also visited Comac and chatted with Ken Woodhouse and his team. Comac provide working bikes to people seeking asylum so that they have a way of getting around. The charity started in 2008 and since then have given out hundreds of bikes and they also help with maintenance and repairs. Their £1000 will help as they continue their work - supplying bikes to those in need.

We also wanted to say thank you for your continued support. I hope you feel joy at being able to help people who really need it and please feel free to invite your friends, colleagues and family to join The Sheffield 1000.

Thanks again.

The Sheffield 1000 Team.


Latest donation!


Hello everyone!


We are delighted to let you know that last week we were able to donate another £1000 to another great Sheffield charity - Under the Stars!


Steve had the pleasure of visting them on Friday to make the donation.


Under the Stars is an arts and events charity for people with learning disabilities and/or autism. They deliver drama and music workshops four days a week from their base in Hillsborough. They give people with learning disabilities and/or autism the opportunity to be creative, learn new skills, express themselves and make sure that they are seen and heard in places where people with a disability are often underrespresented. They work with groups to create original music and theatre about issues that matter to them and regularly perform and gig at places like The Crucible, Sheffield Hallam University Performance Lab, Yellow Arch, The Greystones and Tramlines Festival. In addition they run regular nightclubs for people with learning disabilities and/or autism and their friends at The Leadmill.


Our donation will be used to buy new camera equipment for their drama groups to learn new skills in film making and acting for camera.  Their music groups will also learn film making skills to make music videos and enabling them to document and share their live shows and performances in a way that they are currently unable to do. It will help them to share their work digitally showcasing what people with disabilities are capable of to a much wider audience base.


Thank you again for all your support - keep your eyes peeled for where your kind donations will go next...


Best wishes for a great week!

Dan & The Sheffield 1000 Team


Latest Charity Visit


Hello everyone!


In our latest visit one of our trustees, Arnie Singh, was able to present The Archer Project with their donation of £1000.

The Archer Project is based at the cathedral and provides a place where homeless and vulnerable people can get the support they need to change their lives for the better. People are helped to develop their independence; improve their ability to tackle setbacks; learn to identify and change negative behaviour; build their wellbeing. Our donation will help support the sevices the project runs to help those who come to them for assistance.

Thank you so much for your continued support and your commitment to supporting charities and good causes in Sheffield. Our independent panel is currently selecting the next group of charities who will receive a donation from The Sheffield 1000... We are looking forward to letting you know who they are in the near future...

Thanks as always,

Dan and The Sheffield 1000 Team


Family Voice CIC


Hello everyone!


On 3rd November, Melinda Schofield (one of our trustees) visited Family Voice CIC to  present them with their donation of £1000. She had a wonderful time seeing the work this organisation does working with women who have limited English and who face multiple barriers in accessing services and support. Melinda was also treated to lunch at Ammi's Kitchen which is Family Voice's food social enterprise. 

The donation means such a lot to Family Voice and will really assist them in their work helping women in the Nether Edge, Lowfield and Sharrow areas of the city.

Thank you so much for your continued support and your commitment to supporting charities and good causes in Sheffield. Our next group of charities has now been selected and we are looking forward to giving away several more donations of £1000 in the run up to Christmas!

Thanks as always,

Dan and The Sheffield 1000 Team


High Green Development Trust


Hello everyone,

Recently we were able to donate £1000 to the High Green Development Trust. This amazing organisation exists to benefit, support and empower the local community of High Green and the surrounding areas of Sheffield. The Trust manages The Campus an inclusive community centre and business hub where people come to meet others, play sport and take part in other leisure activities as well as to learn and to do business. In addition, the Trust supports activities out and about in the local area partnering with schools, churches, charities, local businesses and community groups.

The Trust is run by both staff and volunteers including those in the photo (from left to right): Lauren, Community Engagement Manager; Chamila, Finance Manager; Helen, Community Engagement Supervisor.

The Trust will use the donation to help create a new Community Corner - a space from which they can seek to tackle issues such as social isolation, and mental health problems.  The space will have several functions, serving as: a family hub; a workshop and creative space where people will be invited to come together to make and bake; a space which will house public access computers; a library; a quiet space and a reception and team room.

Thank you so much for your continued support and your commitment to supporting charities and good causes in Sheffield. We are planning to donate to several more organisations in the run up to Christmas, so please watch this space…

Thanks as always,


Dan and The Sheffield 1000 Team



Another donation...


Hello everyone!

We are delighted to let you know that last week we were able to donate £1000 to the Gleadless Valley Foodbank.

The foodbank operates from Gleadless Valley Methodist Church. They help those in the local community based on the belief that no one should have to face going hungry. They provide three days of nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to them in crisis.

Our donation will be used to help those in need in the run up to Christmas. Volunteers - including the group of students in the picture - are busy collecting food from local supermarkets to be made up into food parcels.

Thank you again for all your support! Keep your eyes peeled this week for where your kind donations will go next...

Best wishes,

Dan & The Sheffield 1000 Team


And another one...


Hello all!

On Friday, Steve Manley had the privilege of being able to visit The RIVA Project and present them with their donation of £1000. They were so thankful for the donation which will help them "to continue to subsidise the sports hall fees that our clients use three times a week where they attend the fitness suite and specifically tailored disability multi sports sessions."

The RIVA Project is committed to providing better life chances for people with disabilities in and around Sheffield. They offer recreational activities, independent living skills and work-based training for people with disabilities or anyone who would benefit from independent living skills and the confidence to gain employment. The project includes a cafe and a charity shop both or which are open to the public.

It is great to see your generous donations being used to help another charity in the city. Thank you so much for your continued giving. We are planning to give away several more donations in the coming days so please do keep watch for updates. And please also keep nominating as we'd love to be able to give to other deserving causes too.

Thank you as always,

Dan & The Sheffield 1000 Team



A joint venture


Hello everyone!


We just wanted to update you on our latest venture with the aim of helping even more charities and good causes in Sheffield.


In December we launched our Corporate Club and pictured with Dan are Gregg Roberts and Jason Howard, directors of the White House Clinic - Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Management who were the first company to give £1000 to The Sheffield 1000 Charity. Their donation was then match funded by Dave Capper (next to Dan) the CEO of Westfield Health and his offer of match funding is still available to any business who would like to see their money doubled and go straight to good causes in Sheffield. If you are interested please do visit our website to find out more.


Thank you so much for your continued support and commitment. Our independent panel has selected the next group of charities who will receive a donation from The Sheffield 1000 and we look forward to letting you know who your generous donations will be helping next in our city.


Best wishes,


Dan and The Sheffield 1000 Team


A visit to The Furnival


Hello again,


So we also are keen to update you on our first charity donation of 2024! Yesterday, one of our trustees, Steve Manley, visited The Furnival to present them with a cheque for £1000. Steve is pictured here with Julie D'Souza Walsh to his right, the charity's Projects and Development Manager and Jane Clements Womack next to her, who also works for the charity, along with some of the women who the charity helps week by week.


The Furnival engages with the local community in Burngreave and the surrounding areas of Sheffield. Having launched their Creative English programme in 2017, they have worked with over 600 women and children from diverse backgrounds, building their confidence in language and improving their understanding of daily life in a new country. The charity plans to spend their donation on their weekly Cook and Share sessions. Sharing food together is so important in building a strong community and giving people a sense of home. The money will pay for the ingredients for those meals for the next year.


Thank you again for your continued support. It is amazing how much of a difference we can make when we come together and donate just £1 a week.


We will be posting regular updates over the next few weeks as we hope to give away several more donations of £1000 to a variety of charities and good causes across the city.


Thanks as always,

Dan and The Sheffield 1000 Team


The Family Works



Last week Paul Gosney, a good friend of the charity, was able to visit The Family Works to present them with their cheque for £1000. He is pictured here with Andrea Liversidge the charity's CEO.

The Family Works is a trauma informed family support project walking alongside famililes who need their support. They equip local volunteers to support families in their communities, families who may be isolated, lonely, vulnerable or struggling to cope. They provide support through relation-based services working to see the tide of family breakdown turn, to see children who are loved and cared for prosper and family relationships that are constructive instead of destructive and damaging.

The support given by The Sheffield 1000 will be invaluable and has come at exactly the right time when key resources are running low on funding. Our donation will help support their volunteers and staff on the front lines, enabling them to provide a lifeline for families. Our support will help The Family Works to provide the necessary training, resources and support systems for all - making sure everyone's wellbeing is invested in and fostering a real sense of community and value.

The Family Voice wants to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has contributed by donating their £1 a week - your generosity will make a tangible difference in the lives that they touch week by week.

And so thank you again for your continued support and commitment to supporting charities and good causes in Sheffield. We are planning several visits to other charities at the moment and we will keep you updated as we continue to give to the organisations you have nominated.


Thanks as always,

Dan and The Sheffield 1000 Team


PACES Charity



We just wanted to let you know that on Friday we were able to give away another £1000 to the PACES Charity. One of our trustees, Melinda Schofield visited some of the team and met with David Hall their Fundraising and Communications Manager (pictured above). David was able to share the amazing work that PACES is doing both at its school and at its adult care centre supporting people and families with cerebral palsy and other motor disorders. You can find out more about what they do at

Yet again your money is going to make a huge difference to the charity. David shared with Melinda that the last 18 months have been incredibly hard in terms of fundraising and that our donation will enable them to buy some equipment which is vitally needed at the adult care centre.

Thank you so much for your continued support and generosity - it means so much to us and to the charities and good causes we are able to help. We have a number of donations to other charities being planned at the moment and we will of course keep you updated as to where your donations are going and making such a massive contribution.

Thank you as always.

Dan and The Sheffield 1000 Team


Planting Hedgerows with Kids Plant Trees


Hello everyone!

We are delighted to be able to tell you that another £1000 has been donated recently to Kids Plant Trees.

In 2020 a group of Sheffield mums set out to do something practical with their families to help tackle climate change and biodiversity crises by helping nature on their doorstep. They partner with Sheffield City Council's community forestry team to deliver family-friendly tree planting events. More recently they have started working with property and land developers to help create better green spaces with and for the children living in their developments. So far they have planted over 7500 trees, improved 6 public spaces and helped 9 schools improve their outdoor spaces. You can go to to find out more about what they do.

Pictured here are pupils from Reignhead Primary School celebrating at the end of their hedgerow planting session at Linley Bank Meadows in partnership with Sheffield City Council.

Your donation will be a great help with the projects they are planning at High Hazels Park in Darnall and also in various schools.

Thank you again for your continued generosity. Your support means so much to us and to those we are able to help. We've got more donations lined up so we'll keep you posted...

Hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Dan & The Sheffield 1000 Team


A visit to Greentop Circus Centre


Hello everyone!

It has been another busy week with yet another donation being made - this time to Greentop Circus Centre. Steve Manley, one of our trustees, visited them along with Jonathan Bennett from the SDE Group who is a member of our corporate club. And yes they did both have a turn on those hoops!!

Greentop Circus Centre is the north's leading circus charity.  As such it promotes and enables learning and creativity in schools, offers a space for circus artists to practice, provides classes for both complete beginners and experienced performers with adult and child programmes and opportunities for performance. It also runs programmes and events for schools, businesses and communities. Greentop believes that Circus is hugely engaging for people, especially those who experience unequal opportunities due to systemic barriers, negative attitudes and exclusion by society, including those that are neuro-diverse. Their aim is to make Circus accessible for everyone! To that end our donation will be put towards providing bursaries for those from under-privileged backgrounds and will also fund lessons for autistic children. To find out more about their amazing work at

We can't thank you enough for your continued generosity. Your support is enabling us to support an amazingly diverse and varied number of charities and good causes in our city. We've got a number of donations lined up so please be on the lookout for further updates...

Hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Dan & The Sheffield 1000 Team



Sheffield Royal Society for the Blind


Hello again!

In the last few days we have been able to donate another £1000 to the Sheffield Royal Society for the Blind. We sent one of our lovely trustees Steve Manley to visit them at their premises on Mappin Street. He met with their CEO, Joanne Arden (pictured above), and their Fundraising Manager Steve Loane, and enjoyed hearing about the amazing work they do to help the blind and partially sighted community.

Established in th 1860, the Sheffield Royal Society for the Blind (SRSB) has been serving the visually impaired community for nearly 164 years. Along with their division Rotherham Sight and Sound (RSS) they offer support, friendship and services to blind and partially sighted people in Sheffield and people with sight and/or hearing loss in Rotherham. Their services include community outreach, benefits assistance, emotional support, specialist equipment, activity packs, children's services and sports/social activities. They are currently helping over 7000 clients. You can find out more about their work at

They will use our donation to help fund 16 weeks of their Winter Warmers (soup,roll and a drink) and cream teas. They provide these free for up to 20 clients a week to help with the cost of living crisis.

Thank you so much for your continued support and I hope you can see how your generous giving is helping so many people who really need it. Please keep your eye out for further updates on donations - we have a few lined up for the next few weeks... And please do also feel free to invite your friends, colleagues and family to join The Sheffield 1000.

Thanks again.

Dan and The Sheffield 1000 Team.



Spa View Community Church



We just wanted to make you all aware of another donation of £1000 we were able to make recently to Spa View Community Church in Hackenthorpe. They serve the community there in a number of ways - especially trying to support local families. They were nominated particularly for their work with children and young people (some of the youth team members are pictured above) and also as they partner with the New Hope Food Bank in the area

They plan to put the donation towards the cost of an upcoming adventure youth trip to the Oaks Activity Centre in Sheffield - specifically supporting families who would struggle to meet the costs of the trip. It will also help meet the costs of an additional youth sessional worker to support their work with young people more generally. You can find out more about their work at

Thank you again for your amazing support and generosity. Its a joy to see the difference it is making in our city. 

Best wishes,

Dan and The Sheffield 1000 Team




Making Sheffield Sparkle


Hello again everyone!

Yet again we've been busy giving away another £1000! This time to Sparkle Sheffield. This amazing charity supports children and young people in the city from birth to age 25 with autism spectrum conditions and other social communication difficulties. It exists to support families with autistic children meet the challenges they face, feel less isolated, less frightened and more empowered.

Sparkle regularly organises online and in-person events where children and families can meet others without fear or judgement. Such activities include Ninja Warrior, swimming, cinema trips, residential trips... a whole range of fun activities designed to support individuals, making them feel that they belong, that they have friends and allowing them to develop the strategies and skills they need to succeed in life. Pictured here are some of the children they help on one such trip!

The charity were absolutely delighted to recieve their donation. Their founder and CEO, Liesje Dusauzay, told us that the money would be used to help fund the five day residential camp for children they are planning for this summer.

For more information about what they do please go to

Thank you yet again for your continued generosity. We simply couldn't help organisations like Sparkle without your support and giving. We have more donations planned for the coming weeks and will of course keep you updated. In the meantime can we wish you a very happy Easter.

Dan and The Sheffield 1000 Team




SAPAG Sheffield Aspergers Parents Action Group


Hello everyone!

We just wanted to let you know about out latest charity donation to SAPAG....

SAPAG are a voluntary group of parents who offer information and support to adults with Asperger's Syndrome and their families and carers in the city and the surrounding area. Currently their energy is focussed on supporting autistic adults through their social group The A Team which has over 400 members. They run a number of regular activities which include a monthly meeting at a city centre pub, a monthly walk in the local area, a monthly board games group, a monthly art/craft event, a fortnightly snooker club and a monthly online social group and a monthly discussion group.

They were so delighted to receive their £1000 and told us it will enable them to subsidise the cost for their A Team members so that they can come to more events. It will also provide some funds towards their annual Christmas party.

Thank you again for your continued support and the amazing difference it is making to so many people across the city. We are currently arranging the next batch of donations and we'll keep you informed about those. However, we'd also be so grateful if you could nominate other charities and good causes who you think deserve a £1000.

Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Dan and The Sheffield 1000 Team


PACT Sheffield


Hello everyone!

This week we have been able to give away another £1000 to PACT Sheffield.

PACT is a charity which offers emotional and practical support to the children and the families of children who are undergoing treatment for cancer or leukaemia at Sheffield Children's Hospital on Ward 6. PACT own a house close to the hospital which provides a 'home from home' where families can stay overnight, use the cooking facilities or just go for a little bit of time to themselves whilst their child is receiving treatment at the hospital. PACT House enables the family unit to be kept together at the most difficult of times.

PACT also provides breakfast and lunch to parents on Ward 6 as they are often unable to leave their children to go and buy food. They also arrange trips throughout the year - including a theme park trip, bowling and a Christmas party. And they offer each family £60 towards a family day out up to 3 times a year. They also own 3 holiday caravans and offer them to families to allow them to get away and spend time together and create special memories.

Our £1000 will enable them to continue giving this amazing support to children suffering from cancer and their families.

In the photo you can see PACT's members of staff with one of the patients on Ward 6. From left to right are Jo Kent, Beryl Welburn, Owen Jenkinson and Nicola Brown.

Thank you again for your amazing and ongoing support which is making such a difference to so many lives across the city. Please do keep nominating charities and good causes - we are looking forward to helping many more of them in the coming weeks...

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Dan and The Sheffield 1000 Team


SHASBAH is our charity this week...


Hello everyone!

This week we are delighted to share that we have given away another £1000 - this time to SHASBAH (Sheffield Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus).

SHASBAH has just celebrated its 60th birthday - hence the celebratory photo featuring their mascot alongside staff from the charity Jan Tippett and Nina Rose (left to right). They do amazing work in our city supporting everyone with Spina Bifida and/or Hydrocephalus and their loved ones. This includes befriending people and encouraging them to join their community; hosting social events which reduce isolation; providing specialist advice to facilitate care, treatment, education and housing; providing small-scale financial aid to meet specific needs. Our donation will enable them to continue to provide the tailored support that is needed within this community and you can find out more about their work at

Thank you again for your continued support and generosity. I hope you can see yet again what a difference it is making. Please do keep your nominations coming in.

Hope you all have a lovely bank holiday weekend.

Dan and The Sheffield 1000 Team


Our charity this week is Support Dogs



This week Dan was privileged to visit Support Dogs to present them with their donation of £1000. He was able to meet some of the team there and a couple of dogs who are being currently being trained by them.

Support Dogs are dedicated to saving and improving the lives of children and adults with various challenging medical conditions. They train and support specialist assistance dogs in order to achieve this. They specialise in providing: autism assistance dogs for autistic children - providing safety for the child and helping to reduce stress in social environments; seizure alert dogs for people with epilepsy - these dogs are 100% effective in providing an alert up to 1 hour ahead of a seizure occurs; disability assistance dogs for people with physical disabilities - here the client's own pet dog is trained to perform tasks which are specifically tailored to their individual needs providing them with greater independance and safety.

All these services are provided completely free of charge. The charity receives no government funding and therefore relies solely on voluntary contributions - so our donation of £1000 will make a big difference enabling them to train a number of life saving assistance dogs.

Thanks as ever for your continued generosity which is helping such a range of charities across the city. Please do keep nominating charities and good causes and of course we will keep you updated as to where your donations are going.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

The Sheffield 1000 Team


Together Women


Hello everyone!

This week we have been able to give away another £1000 to another amazing local charity - Together Women! The picture above is of the whole team who work together to help women with a whole range of issues. They provide help, advice, activities and training courses, helping women gain access to educational opportunties, employment and training. They also help to meet health and wellbeing needs as well as providing support to those suffering from domestic abuse or struggling with housing and homelessness. You can find out more about what they do at

As a whole team Together Women wanted to extend their thanks to those who chose them to be recipients of a donation. The money will be reinvested in their womens wellbeing cafe that supports women in boosting their confidence, self esteem, helping them socialise and also looking after their physical and mental health.

We can't thank you enough for your continued generosity. We hope you can see again what an amazing difference your donations are making to small charities in our city! Please do keep nominating and we'll keep updating you on where your donations are going...

Best wishes,

The Sheffield 1000 Team


Our first charity this week is Grow...


Hello everyone,

In the last couple of weeks we have been able to give away £1000 to a number of charities. In this post we'd like to tell you about Grow...

Grow is a youth development charity that works with young people - some of whom are pictured above. Many of the young people they work with face mental health difficulties which often result in social isolation and lack of engagement in work or training prospects. Grow combines coaching with nature based  projects to help their trainees combat that social isolation, boost their wellbeing as well as develop their employability skills. You can find out more at

They plan on using their £1000 to support Grow Gardeners which is their 16 week paid work-based learning programme. Here trainees are paid a real living wage and work alongside professional gardeners as part of their horticultural business which services over 60 client gardens across Sheffield.

We can't thank you enough for your continued generosity. Please do keep nominating as we'd love to be able to give away even more to charities and good causes across our city.

Best wishes,

The Sheffield 1000 Team


Our second charity this week is Mums In Need


Hello again!

The second charity donation we'd like to share about with you this week was made to Mums In Need.

You can find out about this amazing charity at

Their team of staff are pictured above (from left to right - Zara, Kathryn, Ursula, Olivia, Nicola and Laura - their founder and CEO).

Mums In Need provide a unique support service for mothers suffering ongoing coercive control after separation from an abusive partner and are working to raise awareness about the multifaceted reality which characterises that control. They support women as they struggle to find the understanding and resources to cope with ongoing, often invisible abuse, which impacts work, other relationships, motherhood and physical/mental health. They offer a wide range of services from counselling and well-being sessions to legal advice.

They will use their donation to pay for places for 45 of their Mins (service users) to attend one of their wellbeing sessions which are held to support their Mins with their mental, emotional and physical health and help them cope with the anxiety, stress and trauma that dealing with onging coercive control can cause.

Thank you again for your support and your weekly giving - it really is making a difference! And again please do keep nominating and don't forget you can nominate charities and good causes you have nominated before, even if they have already been donated to. Mums in Need is our first charity to receive 2 donations! They received their first donation in March 2023 and were therefore eligible to be considered again, more than six months having elapsed since then.

We hope you all have a lovely bank holiday weekend!

Best wishes,

The Sheffield 1000 Team




Sheffield Mavericks IHC


Hello all!

Apologies for the lack of updates over the past couple of weeks - we have been busy though giving away more money! And we have now reached an amazing £50,000 given away to charities and good causes in the city! We'll be updating you over the next few weeks about the various organisations we have been able to help.

We are delighted to let you know that one of our donations has been made to the Sheffield Mavericks Ice Hockey Club a few of whom are pictured above following a recent match! The Mavericks are a recreational ice hockey team that formed in 2014 and they were just so pleased to recieve their £1000. They have been working hard to get involved in the wider Sheffield community and are delighted that this has been recognised by those that nominated them. They will use their donation to secure first aid and trauma kits to further improve safety for their players and coaches.

Sheffield Mavericks IHC don't have a website but you can follow them on Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok and X (formerly Twitter).

We should also like to congratulate them on their recent victory over the Leeds Warriors to win the Bone Idle Summer Shield!

Thanks as always for your continued generosity and support. Again we hope you can see what a massive difference this is making to organisations across the city. Please do keep your eye out for further updates and please do keep nominating good causes and charities.

Best wishes,

The Sheffield 1000 Team



New nominations please...


Hello everyone!

I hope you're having a good summer. I'm just contacting you on behalf of the charity to encourage you to nominate some new charities. We have plenty of money in our coffers and it would be great to hear where you would like it to go. We often have people tell us they know about a great charity and when we ask if they've nominated them... we are often told "not yet"!!

So this is your call to action! Please visit the website and let us know about the charity or good cause we could give £1000 to. We have already given away £50,000 in Sheffield in the last 18 months, we have another £10,000 lined up to give away (keep an eye out for information on that in the coming days) and we want to keep supporting as many people as we can.

Hopefully hear from you soon and thank you so much for being part of The Sheffield 1000.

The Sheffield 1000 Team





As promised here is the first in a series of posts letting you know about the charities we have donated to in the last few weeks...

Roundabout is a local youth housing charity. They are committed to ending youth homelessness in South Yorkshire and provide shelter, support and life skills to over 350 young people aged 16-25 every day. You can find out more about them at

Pictured above are Denise, Ben and Emily from the charity's Fundraising Team along with Beth who volunteers for the charity.

They are all holding Roundabout Roses and are part of a campaign which our £1000 donation will help to sponsor. The campaign will be launched later this year and will feature 1,800 handmade steel roses that will be displayed at Art in the Gardens and Sheffield Cathedral. The roses represent each of the young people Roundabout have worked with since the start of the cost of living crisis. The roses will then be sold raising funds so that they can support even more young people.

Yet again we are so thankful for your generosity which enables us to support local charities and good causes. Do keep a lookout for further updates in the coming days about how your donations are making such a difference in Sheffield.

Best wishes,

The Sheffield 1000 Team



Menstruation Matters


Hello again!

Another charity we have been able to help is Menstruation Matters.

As a charity they aim to relieve period poverty of those living in South Yorkshire by supplying free menstrual products to those who otherwise cannot afford them. They also seek to increase awareness of and advocate the use of reusable period products to the people of South Yorkshire. You can find out more about their work via their website Some of their team are pictured above.

They are planning to spend some of their £1000 on new branding material, making sure they are using more inclusive language to ensure everyone who comes to their events feels represented. The remainder of the donation will be used to purchase period pads and tampons so that they are able to get products faster to a greater number of people.

Thank you again for your generosity and support enabling us to donate to such a wide variety of charities in our city and help such a wide variety of people.

The Sheffield 1000 Team


A second donation for ADIRA


Just sending you another update on another donation we have been able to make recently...

ADIRA provide black people of all ages, who have experienced mental health problems, with a safe, friendly and culturally sensitive meeting space. It is here where anyone needing support is offered information and advice along with social and leisure activities. This is ADIRA's second donation from The Sheffield 1000 and has come at just the right time as they have recently moved into the bus interchange in the city centre. This new location will enable them to offer much more to their service users so that, as well as toiletries, household cleaning products, skin and haircare products, they will now able to offer a social cafe, a clothing and shoe boutique, a toy station and a computer suite, as well as a CAB First Point of Access Screen. Our donation will enable them to replenish their stocks of toiletries, shoes, clothing and toys.

The picture shows some of ADIRA's service users graduating from their first mental health friendly Hair and Beauty training in their salon on the Wicker. The event was attended by their family and friends, their support workers and the scrolls were handing to them by the Lord Lieutenant.

Thank you again for all your support - keep your eyes peeled for where your kind donations will go next...


Best wishes,

The Sheffield 1000 Team


Baton of Hope


Another update as is it a bank holiday weekend!

We were also able to donate another £1000 this week to Baton of Hope. Mike McCarthy (pictured), the charity's Chair was delighted to receive the donation and wanted to pass on to you the heartfelt thanks of the trustees.

Baton of Hope is dedicated to breaking the stigma surrounding suicide and to campaiging for and creating real change in our nation's approach to suicide prevention. You can find out more about their amazing work at They will spend their £1000 on their two core activities: developing the Workplace Pledge (a kitemark of best practise for suicide prevention in the workplace) and creating national awareness through a second national tour with the Baton (in line with their objective 'To advance the education of the public into the causes, effects and prevention of suicide.'

Thank you again for your generosity and the way it enables us to help charities like Baton of Hope. In this case your donation may even save a life!

Wishing you all a lovely long weekend!

The Sheffield 1000 Team



S2 Foodbank


Hello again!

We just wanted to update you on another donation we have been able to make recently - this time to the S2 Foodbank.

This foodbank operates from St Swithun's Church on Cary Road and provides food parcels and help with financial management to people who live in the S2 and S12 postcode areas of Sheffield. It is run by a small team of staff and volunteers and is supported by donations of food and money from the lovely people of Sheffield. Our donation will help with their efforts to meet the needs of the community they work in.

To find out more about what they do please visit their website

Thank you again for your support and generosity. Please keep your eye out for further updates in the coming days...

Best wishes,

The Sheffield 1000 Team


Swinton Lock Activity Centre


We are so thankful that we've been able to be so busy giving away donations over the past few weeks!

Swinton Lock Activity Centre have also received £1000 because of your amazing generosity!

The centre focusses its efforts on a re-engagement programme for young people of secondary school age who are struggling to achieve or have been excluded from mainstream education for a variety of reasons. A wide ranging and diverse programme of activities have been devised offering alternative education programmes.

Alongside these activities for young people, the centre also offers courses for adults of all abilities, mental health support groups, a men’s only mental health group and vulnerable adult and family one to one support.

The centre is located adjacent to the South Yorkshire Navigational Canal and own two narrow boats (one of which is fully accessible). Both boats are used to offer boat-handling courses, volunteering opportunities and pleasure trips to both children and adults.

You can find out more about the centre via their website and they share their events via their Facebook page.

Their CEO, Jayne Senior, was delighted that the centre had been chosen and told us, "Receiving this money is excellent news for our charity and will enable us to continue the support we offer to both adults and children who are struggling with their mental health, recovering from trauma, sexual and/or physical abuse or are lonely and isolated."

We are so thankful for your ongoing support and the difference it is making to so many charities in our area.

Best wishes,

The Sheffield 1000 Team


The Suit Works


Hello again!

In the last few days we've also been able to donate £1000 to The Suit Works.

This amazing charity is run by a small team of staff (some of whom are pictured above), a board of trustees and volunteers. They help and support unemployed people of all ages who are trying to find work - giving them a styling session and providing them with smart interview appropriate clothing. You can find out more about how they work and stories from some of the people they have helped at their website

Their CEO, Faye Mellors, wanted to say a huge thank you to The Sheffield 1000 members for their generous donation. The donation has enabled them to supply their new administrator with a laptop and to design and produce posters that will be distributed to organisations across the city. Faye says this will mean they "can reach many more people, inform them of our services and ensure we are able to deal with enquiries even more efficiently. All of this means we are able to support so many more people into employment."

Again we just want to thank you for your continued generosity which is enabling us to help smaller charities make such a massive difference to the lives of people in our city.

The Sheffield 1000 Team



Stocksbridge Community Leisure Centre


Hello everyone!

Just another update for you to let you know how your generous donations are helping charities and good causes in our city. 

Stocksbridge Community Leisure Centre is the most recent recipient of a £1000 donation. The centre is the largest community run leisure centre in the area providing a wide range of activities and programmes for the local community. They put on many groups to support various wellbeing initiatives - from company for lonely people, to mens mental health awareness groups. Their amazing reception team is pictured above.

The centre's manager was delighted to recieve the donation and told us that the money would be put towards the refurbishment of their changing facilities and toilets, enabling them to provide a better service for those using the centre. 

Thank you again for your continued generosity and please do keep a look out for further updates and check out our social media to see who else The Sheffield 1000 is helping!

Best wishes,

The Sheffield 1000 Team



Charity Number: 1195383