
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Category: DONATION

Planting Hedgerows with Kids Plant Trees

Planting Hedgerows with Kids Plant Trees

We are delighted to be able to tell you that another £1000 has been donated recently to Kids Plant Trees.

PACES Charity

PACES Charity

We just wanted to let you know that on Friday we were able to give away another £1000 to the PACES Charity.

The Family Works

The Family Works

Last week Paul Gosney, a good friend of the charity, was able to visit The Family Works to present them with their cheque for £1000.

A Visit to the Furnival

A Visit to the Furnival

Yesterday, one of our trustees, Steve Manley, visited The Furnival to present them with a cheque for £1000.

And Another One

And Another One

On Friday, Steve Manley had the privilege of being able to visit The RIVA Project and present them with their donation of £1000.

Another Donation

Another Donation

We are delighted to let you know that last week we were able to donate £1000 to the Gleadless Valley Foodbank.

High Green Development Trust

High Green Development Trust

Recently we were able to donate £1000 to the High Green Development Trust.

Family Voice CIC

Family Voice CIC

On 3rd November, Melinda Schofield (one of our trustees) visited Family Voice CIC to present them with their donation of £1000.

Latest Charity Visit

Latest Charity Visit

In our latest visit one of our trustees, Arnie Singh, was able to present The Archer Project with their donation of £1000.

Under the Stars

Under the Stars

We are delighted to let you know that last week we were able to donate another £1000 to another great Sheffield charity – Under the Stars!