
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

A Joint Venture

30 January 2024

Hello everyone!

We just wanted to update you on our latest venture with the aim of helping even more charities and good causes in Sheffield.

In December we launched our Corporate Club and pictured with Dan are Gregg Roberts and Jason Howard, directors of the White House Clinic – Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Management who were the first company to give £1000 to The Sheffield 1000 Charity. Their donation was then match funded by Dave Capper (next to Dan) the CEO of Westfield Health and his offer of match funding is still available to any business who would like to see their money doubled and go straight to good causes in Sheffield. If you are interested please do visit our website to find out more.

Thank you so much for your continued support and commitment. Our independent panel has selected the next group of charities who will receive a donation from The Sheffield 1000 and we look forward to letting you know who your generous donations will be helping next in our city.

Best wishes,

Dan and The Sheffield 1000 Team

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